Diggin JumpSmart Trampoline Diggin Active 00135
When you're making a decision to buy Diggin JumpSmart Trampoline Diggin Active 00135. That was the right decision because you will have a great product and the quality is really useful. Diggin JumpSmart Trampoline Diggin Active 00135 needs to be simple and it has sold very well in another. My neighbor bought Diggin JumpSmart Trampoline Diggin Active 00135 used and they were glad to see the good. And affordable. It is not recommended to people that they know it is a buy. And Diggin JumpSmart Trampoline Diggin Active 00135 was served very well out of it. Diggin JumpSmart Trampoline Diggin Active 00135This bouncy trampoline doubles as a learning toy, too! Kids will delight in jumping along to fun learning games and silly songs. This electronic mini trampoline is perfect for keeping kids active indoors. Features a five-in-one multi-game sound system that makes learning fun: counting, music and rhythm, sound recognition and memory. The five games included are bounce counting, silly sounds, musical statues, animal sounds and memory matches.
- Requires 3 "AA" batteries (not included)
- Product Measures: 37.75x35x42.75
- Recommended Ages: 2 years & up
- Children's triangle shaped trampoline
- Use indoors or outdoors
- Two handles, similar to a bike or trike
- Bright colored bumper pads
- Ages 3 and above
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